Welcome to booking.gnv.com , the new GNV booking program.
Below you will find an explanation of the main features. The software has the same functionality as the previous version, but with a renewed graphical interface.
When you create the user for the new platform, you will receive an email similar to the one below. By clicking on the button and using the temporary password created it will be possible to change the password and access the platform.
Trip search
The first step for booking is the travel search
The home page allows you to access all the main features, your accounting records and summaries of your operations. At the top left you will find the name and code of your agency. By clicking on the name of your agency you can access the menu to change the interface language, access the list of your accounting documents. To exit this screen and apply the changes, simply click outside the window with a white background.
Codice Agenzia
Cliccando sul nome agenzia potete cambiare la lingua dell'interfaccia ed accedere all'elenco dei documenti contabili.
Emissione e modifica biglietto
Cliccando sul menù "Booking Pax, si aprià il menù con le voci si emissione nuovo biglietto e modifica biglietto
Guida all'uso
Clicca qui per la guda d'uso.
Inside the "Booking Pax" menu item you will find the functions related to the issuing and modification of tickets.
By clicking on "Issuing Tickets" you access, similarly to the old software, all the capabilities related to the issuing of a new ticket.
The screen is divided into two macro areas, the central part where the ticket is made up and the right shoulder where there is all the information ancillary to the issue such as the type of booking, the applied rate, the data of the issuing agency and the ticket holder's contact details.
To start the issuing operations, the first activity is necessary to search for a trip by clicking on the "Trip Search"
button . The trip search is possible in two modes: Wizard and travel calendar. Each of the two types responds with the same trips but offering different information. We suggest you try both and choose from time to time the one that is most suitable for the operations you are carrying out.
Both the Wizard and the Travel Calendar have in the left shoulder the fields necessary to carry out the search in the most complete way possible based on the information available at that moment.
Trip search
The first step for booking is the travel search
Booking type
The first step for booking is the travel search
Let's take an example with the wizard :
Let's choose a round trip from Genoa to Palermo, leaving on October 1st, returning on October 6th with 1 adult.
By clicking on "Search" at the bottom of the left shoulder you carry out the search.
The system will identify trips starting from the dates indicated and in the following days, presenting a first price for each type of accommodation available. We now select a seat for the trips on October 1st and 7th and click on the blue "confirm" button to select the trip and proceed.
In this mode the accommodations have already been selected in the previous step and are therefore already selected. It is obviously possible to make any type of change in this section before proceeding to confirm the booking.
Once you have selected the desired travel accommodation you can click on "Confirm" to proceed.
Trip choice
Choose the route, date and enter at least 1 adult to obtain the price of the accommodations.
Results Wizardh4>
Search results are displayed by accommodation and date. The table highlights the prices of the accommodations available for the dates drawn.
The confirmation button activates and turns blue once all the information has been entered and you are ready to move on to the next step.
Travel calendar
Let's now take an example with the travel calendar :
Let's choose a round trip from Genoa to Palermo, departing on October 1st, returning on October 6th.
By clicking on "Search" at the bottom of the left shoulder you carry out the search.
The system will identify trips around the indicated dates (previous days and following days), presenting trip information. By selecting the lines for the outward journey and the return journey, the blue "confirm" button is enabled and you can proceed. Compared to the previous mode there are no selected accommodations.
Trip search
Choose the route, date and click on search to obtain available trips.
The system selects the trips available around the selected date to give visibility and choice to the operator.p>
The confirmation button activates and turns blue once all the information has been entered and you are ready to move on to the next step.
A final necessary entry is that, on the right shoulder, in the "ticket holder data" section is that of the telephone numbers, email, my GNV code if present, coupon and agreements if present.
Once you have completed this part you can click on the green "confirm" button on the top right to check the validity of all the information, make the payment and print all the necessary documents. • Ticket holder and myGNV data • Booking confirmation
Cancel operation
By clicking on the "arrow" you cancel the operation and the current cart.
Adding passengers
The button opens the tab for entering passengers and allows the compilation of all necessary data.
Add Resources
The button opens the tab for entering resources: cabins, vehicles, meals and accessories.
Ticket holder data
A keyboard has letters, and it can write letters. Let's say some more things about keyboards so the text wraps to multiple lines.
Travel Resources
From each list, by double clicking on the resource and indicating the quantity you can add it to the trip.
The confirm button saves the selection of the active tab and keeps the shoulder open to allow the insertion of other resources. The confirm and close button confirms the selection and closes the shoulder if there are no more resources to insert.
The resources inserted are present in the appropriate space with all the details and have the functional menu in the actions column on the button identified by the three dots. For example, let's try to copy all the resources also on the return.
With the completion of the return, the price of the trip updates accordingly.
From the functional resources menu it is obviously possible to delete, modify and add other resources. For example, let's add a vehicle and copy it on the return.
Travel resources
The first step for booking is the travel search
After choosing the trip and entering the resources we must now enter the passengers. By clicking on the "add name" button in the outbound space, the list of fields to be filled in for the passenger's details opens in the right shoulder.
Similarly to the resources, the functional menu with the three dots is enabled from which it is possible to modify, delete, copy on the return etc. Once all the passengers have been entered complete with all the data, you can click on the close button, at the bottom left.
You then return to the trip screen.
Passenger data
Enter all the passenger data, paying particular attention to the validity of the data. Repeat the operation for each passenger.
Issue Summary
Once the composition of the trip has been completed, it is possible to proceed with the confirmation and payment of the same with the enabled methods by clicking on the green button at the top right.
A first summary of the information entered will appear.
Summary of the data entered for the outward journey
Summary of data entered for the return trip
Confirm to proceed
Confirm with email and confirm without email
Confirm Issue
At the final confirmation of the issue it is possible to make different types of prints and reopen the ticket to make changes
Edit tickets
The first step for booking is the travel search
Send ticket via email
You can send the newly issued ticket to an email address.p>
Possibility to print the ticket with and without information
Tickets Edit
To begin the modification operations, the first task is to search for a ticket by entering the ticket number or reservation number in the appropriate field or by clicking on the "Advanced Search" button and selecting the relevant period of issue.
Ticket search
The first step for modification is the ticket search. It is possible to enter the ticket number or the reservation number
Advanced Search
The advanced search also allows searching by date range.
Ticket search
Click on the ticket concerned and click on the blue "confirm" button. If the ticket has an outward or return connection connected, the system will ask whether to display both.
Ticket search
The first step for modification is the ticket search. It is possible to enter the ticket number or the reservation number
Advanced Search
The advanced search also allows searching by date range.
To convert an option or a presale into a ticket, after having searched for and selected the reservation in the list, click on the conversion icon in the toolbar and proceed with the modification or confirmation where necessary. The system will automatically calculate the amount due for confirmation.
Click here to proceed with the conversion of the option or presale into a ticket.
Confirm operation
After all the data has been verified, you can proceed with confirming the conversion.
To cancel a ticket, after having searched for and selected the reservation from the list, click on the cancellation icon in the toolbar and proceed with confirmation where necessary. The system will automatically calculate the penalties as per the General Conditions of Transport.
After all the data has been verified, you can proceed with the cancellation of the ticket.
Update - change personal data
The update operation allows you to::
- Change the vehicle license plate
- Change the description of the vehicles while remaining in the same category
- Change the date of birth of passengers
- Change the document number
- Change your nationality
- Change your phone number
- Change your email address
The operation does not change the ticket number, does not reprice the ticket and does not apply fees. Options and pre-sales can also be updated.
To update a ticket, after having searched for and selected the ticket in the list, click on the update icon in the toolbar and proceed with confirmation where necessary. The system will automatically calculate the penalties as per the General Conditions of Transport.
Ticket update
After all the data has been verified, you can proceed with updating the ticket
Replacement - Change trip
The replacement operation allows you to:
- Change the route of the trip
- Change the travel date
- Change the name and traveling group more than 72 hours before departure
- Add a vehicle
- Change the accommodation
The operation changes the ticket number, re-quotes the ticket with the fare present at the time of the change and applies the replacement fees.
To replace a ticket, after having searched for and selected the ticket from the list, click on the replacement icon in the toolbar and proceed with confirmation where necessary. The system will automatically recalculate the price as per the General Conditions of Transport.
Ticket replacement
After all the data has been verified, you can proceed with the replacement of the ticket
Upgrade - Change vehicle category or insert meals and infants
The upgrade operation allows you to:
- Add meals
- Addition of dogs/cats
- Inserimento infant
- Addition of insurance up to 30 days before departure
- Vehicle category upgrade
The operation modifies the ticket number, reprices the ticket by applying the difference with the fare present at the time of purchase and does not apply replacement fees.
To upgrade a ticket, after having searched for and selected the ticket from the list, click on the upgrade icon in the toolbar and proceed with confirmation where necessary. The system will automatically recalculate the price as per the General Conditions of Transport.
Ticket upgrade
After all the data has been verified, you can proceed with the replacement of the ticket
Accounting documents
It is possible to search for accounting documents organized by year and month of reference.
Departure Calendar
The departure calendar allows you to have an immediate view of departures by route on an annual basis. It is necessary to select the line and the reference year.